How To Use Keyboard Shortcuts In MS Excel 2010
MS Excel offers support for a large number of keyboard shortcuts. Here is the list some of the wisely used shortcuts in the MS Excel 2010.
- Ctrl + A – It selects all the content present in the worksheet.
- Ctrl + Z – Undo last action.
- Ctrl + Y – Redo last action.
- Ctrl + B – Bold highlighted selection.
- Ctrl + U – Underline highlighted selection.
- Ctrl + I – Italic highlighted selection.
- Ctrl + Page up – It helps in moving up the Excel worksheet.
- Ctrl + Page down – It helps in moving down the Excel worksheet.
- Ctrl Tab – It helps in moving between two or more open Excel files.
- Ctrl + F3 – It open Excel Name Manager.
- Ctrl + F6 – Switch between open workbooks or windows.
- Ctrl + F9 – It minimizes the current window.
- Ctrl + F10 – It maximize the current window.
- Ctrl + K – Insert link.
- Ctrl +1 – Change the format of the selected cells.
- Ctrl + 5 – Strikethrough highlighted selection.
- Ctrl +P– Opens up the print dialog box for printing purpose.
- F2 – Edit the selected cell.
- F3 – Once the name is created F3 will paste the names.
- F4 – It repeats the last action.
- F5 – It helps in going to the specific cell.
- F7 – Spell check for the selected text or document.
- F11 – Swiftly create chart from the selected data.
- Alt += Create a formula to sum all of the above cells.
- Ctrl +- Delete the selected column or row.
- Ctrl + Shift + = Insert a new column or row.
- Ctrl + Home – Move to cell A1.
Tags How To Use Keyboard Shortcuts In MS Excel 2010MS Excel Tutorial
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