How To Set Apple TV To Automatically Turn On Television

Your Apple TV can instantly turn your television on, switch right High-definition multimedia interface input, as well as control the amount. Continue reading once it’s demonstrated how you can train your Apple TV to manage your TV.
So why do we do?
In the past a brand new High-definition multimedia interface-related control standard was introduced referred to as High-definition multimedia interface-CEC. Due to the miracle of CEC we’ve Audio-video devices, for instance, which will instantly turn the attached television on whenever you turn the attached Blu-ray player on and television remote controls which include pause/play type buttons that may control attached products such as the aforementioned Blu-ray player.
The brand new fourth generation Apple TV, unlike prior iterations from the Apple TV, includes support for High-definition multimedia interface-CEC which greatly stretches the functionality from the Apple TV remote. Now rather than simply manipulating the Apple TV itself you are able to, with the remote and also the High-definition multimedia interface-CEC connection, have your television instantly switch on whenever you get the Apple TV remote and press a control button and also the volume button around the remote controls the level of the TV or media receiver.
What exactly must you utilize for this neat trick?
First, you’ll need a television that’s High-definition multimedia interface-CEC compliant. Second, you have to toggle the setting on within the Apple TV.
Setting up Your Apple TV
In comparison to digging with the documentation for and also the menus in your High definition TV, setting things on the Apple TV aspect is trivial. Whether you want to look into the configurations or something like that isn’t working the actual way it should, you’ll find the right menu by choosing the “Settings” icon in the primary screen in your Apple TV.
Then, inside the primary Configurations menu, choose “Remotes and Devices”.
Inside the “Remotes and Devices” menu, search for the section at the end labeled “Home Theater Control”. You need to make sure that “Control Televisions and Receivers” is toggled “On”. If the section is grayed out it implies that your High definition TV isn’t High-definition multimedia interface-CEC compliant, the High-definition multimedia interface-CEC functionality is off, or some component inside your media center setup isn’t High-definition multimedia interface-CEC compliant or neglecting to pass the High-definition multimedia interface-CEC signal along.
The Amount Control section should default instantly towards the correct control plan once High-definition multimedia interface-CEC is detected but around the off chance it doesn’t you are able to click on it making a new selection. If, for instance, you need to take control of your volume by your TV and never your Receiver (or even the reverse) you are able to switch the amount control plan here in addition to program your Apple Remote to imitate the amount signals from your existing remote controls.
That’s all you are into it! Once you’ve done the work of determining your High definition TV model, activating the High-definition multimedia interface-CEC (if required), and creating a little tweak in your Apple TV, then you’re ready and able to enjoy the advantages of High-definition multimedia interface-CEC like turning your TV and media center off and on with a little the Apple TV remote.
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