Tips for Website Design
When you browse the internet a lot, you’ll come across sites that are fully “in your face.” They’re cluttered with pop-ups, graphics, information, revolving text and it all just looks like a huge jumble of screaming material that’s hard to focus on. If that describes your site, it probably takes more than 10 seconds to load and that means you’re losing lots of potential visitors and clients.
When designing a website you must pay full attention to the design layout. This means thinking about how each aspect of your site will appear on the web page when viewed by people who have never seen the site before now.
There are lots of available tools to help you create a great site design. There are literally thousands of free site templates you can access and then you simply choose the one you like best, add your content and you have a good place to start. There are numerous other aspects to also consider.
Looks. There’s much more to a free template/theme than just the look of it. It’s a good starting point but then you should consider these other elements before analysing the site’s overall look.
Screen resolution. You should set your screen to the resolution most commonly used because that’s how the majority of people view your site. Not everybody uses the same resolution so you cater for the biggest crowd.
Contrast. The layout should have a good balance between graphics and text. It’s easy to have far too much written content. You can also have too many graphics components that make the site appear cluttered. This slows down the loading time of your web page. So only use a layout with compressed graphics to emphasise the points you’re trying to make. This way you avoid distracting people’s attention from the message you’re conveying with your written content. Evaluate the contrast in the colours, scale, proximity and typographic value.
Colour. Avoid having a layout with dark background and dark text because it’s extremely difficult to read. It’s better to have a lighter background and darker text.
The easiest text to read is black text on a white background. Colour shouldn’t distract you from the actual content. However, the text doesn’t always have to be black. When you have a design chosen, ask friends and family for opinions. Remember, they’ll have different points of view which is good because visitors to your site also have differing viewpoints.
White Space. This is the space that’s seen between the various elements on your web page. It will seem disorganised if there’s too little white space or none at all. Create a web layout that looks clean, simple, easy to read and navigate, and your site will be smooth sailing for visitors.
Navigation. Good web layouts have clear, simple navigation because that’s the way visitors move through your site. If you’re trying to find out information on a website but the navigation doesn’t work properly, you would look elsewhere for your answers. The same applies to visitors to YOUR site. Always put yourself in the eyes of the viewer. Design your site with an intuitive navigation aspect and it will keep your visitors on your site for longer than 10 seconds.
Keep all these points in mind when you design a new website because the most appropriate layout, in all aspects, will bring you everything you need. If you use a
CMS such as WordPress, you’ll find loads of available free and commercial themes.
Invest time in finding your theme because it will pay off big time. Your visitors will like your site so much that they’ll keep coming back, and are likely to also tell their friends about your site. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising and it’s FREE!!!
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Tags CMScolourDesigngraphicslookspop-upsscreen resolutionsitestemplatesthemestipsWebsite
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