Kindle Fire Full Color 7″ Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi Review

The Kindle Fire is one of the most talked-about gadgets to hit the market in quite some time. People have been calling it the “iPad Killer” and some folks have even said that this is the best ebook reader or tablet to hit the market in recent years. With all the hype surrounding the Kindle Fire Full Color 7″ Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi, I couldn’t help but be a bit excited when tasked with writing an in depth Kindle Fire review. As you read through every word of this Kindle Fire review, you’ll be able to decide whether or not this is the tablet you’ve been looking for.
How Does it Look?
[easyazon_image align=”center” cart=”y” cloak=”y” height=”500″ identifier=”B073JVG446″ locale=”US” localize=”y” nf=”y” src=”” tag=”petgirl-20″ width=”500″]The first thing that most folks think of when buying tablets is the screen. After all, when you use the Kindle Fire, the screen is your gateway into all this powerful, cloud-based tablet has to offer. I’m happy to report that the screen of the Kindle Fire Full Color 7″ Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi doesn’t disappoint in the least.The 7 inch screen delivers high resolution images and movies to the palm of your hand. Amazon has said that the screen has the capabilities to display up to 16 million colors. And while I never even knew that there were that many colors, the Kindle Fire Full Color 7″ Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi does deliver vibrant, detailed and bright images, every bit as good as any high-res monitor or tablet that I’ve ever seen before.
And since the screen’s glass is made from scratch-resistant “Gorilla Glass” it can stand up to plenty of use without getting scratched up or broken. Now, some people have said that the Kindle Fire Full Color 7″ Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi screen is unbreakable, but that’s not true. Yes, it is shatter-resistant, and you’d really have to work to break the screen, but it can shatter if subjected to an extremely strong blow.
What Can You Do With the Amazon Kindle Fire?
[easyazon_image align=”center” cart=”y” cloak=”y” height=”500″ identifier=”B006CBGTHO” locale=”US” localize=”y” nf=”y” src=”” tag=”petgirl-20″ width=”500″]There have been a lot of comparisons between the Kindle Fire and the Apple iPad. It’s only natural that people would be comparing the two, as the Apple iPad is pretty much the top tablet avaialble right now. However, it’s important to distinguish how the Kindle Fire is used compared to the iPad. With so many people saying, on Kindle Fire Review websites, that the Kindle Fire is the heir-apparent to the iPad’s tablet throne.It’s not true, though. The Kindle Fire Full Color 7″ Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi is not going to replace the Apple iPad. The Kindle Fire is more for digital consumers, where the iPad is for consumer/creators. Here’s what I mean, the Kindle Fire allows you to read ebooks, watch movies, listen to music, use apps and lots of other things, but it’s not a device that you are going to create digital media files with or use to replace your computer with to do work with. The Apple iPad has more features that allow you to create content, whereas the Kindle Fire is superior when it comes to consuming and enjoying digital creations.
Kindle Fire Full Color 7″ Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi Features
ñ 7 inch multi-color touch display with anti-glare coating.
ñ Size: 7.5″ x 4.7″ x 0.45″
ñ Weighs just 14.6 ounces.
ñ Storage Space: 8 GB on board and free 5 GB of storage on the Amazon Cloud storage.
ñ Battery life: Up to 8 hours when not actively being used, but more like 5 hours when being used for applications or watching movies.
ñ Connectivity: WiFi connectivity – no 3G or 4G as capabilities as of right now.
ñ Ports: 1 USB 2.0 port for transferring files or charging with your PC.
Since Amazon is the maker of the Kindle Fire, it only makes sense to purchase it from them. And when you do, they even throw in a free year of Amazon Prime for free shipping on most orders that you make on
Kindle Fire Full Color 7″ Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi Review Conclusion
[easyazon_image align=”center” cart=”y” cloak=”y” height=”500″ identifier=”B005Z5GFXG” locale=”US” localize=”y” nf=”y” src=”” tag=”petgirl-20″ width=”500″]Is the Kindle Fire the perfect tablet? No. We all know that there is no such thing as perfection for any product. It would be nice to see the Kindle Fire come with a slot for SD memory cards and an included USB cable, but as of now it doesn’t.However, despite the minor shortcomings of the Kindle Fire Full Color 7″ Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi Review, it is a fantastic tablet. And since it costs less than half of what you’d pay for an Apple iPad, the Kindle Fire Full Color 7″ Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi Review is an absolute bargain. You’re simply not going to find another tablet in this price range with so many nice features.
The Kindle Fire Full Color 7″ Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi Review may not be the tablet of choice for graphic designers or other people who need to create a lot of digital files, but for people who want to enjoy the best of what the web has to offer, the Kindle Fire Full Color 7″ Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi Review simply can’t be beat.
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